In late January my friend Jane was strolling along a beach on Iona, looking for plastic washed up amongst the seaweed when something odd caught her eye.
My `phone rang.
“Joyce, it`s Jane. I`m on the beach and I`ve found a turtle.”
“A what?”
“A turtle, and it`s alive and I don`t know what to do.”
Having sent her the number of the Tobermory aquarium I lost no time in joining Jane on the beach. We were told to put the wee loggerhead turtle, which was barely alive, in a sturdy box and get it to Mull. On no account to take it indoors as a sudden raise in temperature could be fatal. Another friend, Sr. Pamela, then got involved, receiving this unusual package which before long was collected from her doorstep and taken to Tobermory overnight. Dehydrated, starving and hypothermic, chances of survival were slim, but it lived through the night and next day was on the first ferry to Oban, and taken to the sea life centre by Loch Lomond… more in the printed issue
Iona the turtle pictured recently at the Scarborough Sealife Centre
Photo by Joyce Watson