Local Help

Mull & Iona Pantry (Food Bank)
Food Parcels for those in need
Phone Ruth Fleming 07549 018 157 - all calls completely confidential.
or email obanhopekitchen@gmail.com

A website has been set up for the Island with all current information: www.mullhealth.com
Help lines for small businesses will be found on this website.

The Ross of Mull (including Tiroran and Gribun)
• The Ross of Mull and Iona Community Transport Scheme will collect shopping and prescriptions.
Contact Terry Hegarty 01681 700 600 (please contact him if you can also volunteer help)
• The Ferry Shop - open 10am-6pm, Mon-Sat.  01681 700 470
• Spar Shop Bunessan - open 9am-5pm Mon - Sat, 11am-1.30pm Sun, 01681 700 395
• Pennyghael Stores - 9am-4pm Mon-Sat. 01681 704 229
• Ardalanish Farm - Beef, Lamb & Venison available in welcome room freezers. 01681 700 674
• Crofter's Kitchen - Veg, meat, eggs, preserves. 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday

The shopping service has been discontinued.

• For help with shopping, prescriptions, posting mail and general help contact:
Kerry Mitchell, 07825 577 419. Helen McWalter, 07967 094 775. Eilidh Allen 07810 747 431
• Salen Spar Shop 8am-8pm Mon-Sat, 11am-3pm Sunday

• Dervaig Post Office and Stores 9am-6pm Mon-Sat, 12noon-2pm Sunday

Ulva Ferry
• The Community Transport is available for shopping and prescriptions and any other help 07775 531 301.

• For general help contact:
Sarah Darling 07562 793 345, Cathy Mellor 07526 078 959 or Karen Taylor 07562 782 556 or 01688 302 334.
• The pharmacy in Tobermory can arrange deliveries for prescriptions etc. 01688 302 431
• Tobermory Stores: open Monday-Saturday 7am-6pm, Phone 01688 302 808.
Weekly delivery service island-wide - phone or email tobermorystores@gmail.com
• Meat deliveries contact Fiona Boa (pork boxes) 07765 966 239 or Torloisk Farm 01688 500 130


More useful contacts for help at this difficult time:

Home Start For families with young children who would like some help call Home Start, Aileen Binner tel.no. 07718 768 305. This is a totally confidential service with trained volunteers on the Island who can help.

Mull Safe and Sound (Mental Health) safesoundsally@hotmail.com

Relationships Scotland info@argyllcouplecounselling.org or phone 0300 111 0031

Alcoholics Anonymous phone 01505 871 889 (24 hours) (An AA member on Mull will call you back)

Samaritans phone 116 123 (free, 24 hours) or email: jo@samaritans.org