Bunessan Show 2022

Bunessan Show on Friday 5th August was a brilliant day – the weather was almost perfect and everyone was so pleased to be back meeting up again at the Show.
Visitor numbers were the highest for some time. The crowd was no doubt attracted by the excellent entertainment on offer – the ever popular Mark Wylie with his Drakes of Hazard wowed onlookers with their antics and banter, and Chainsaw Pete managed not 2 but 3 chainsaw sculptures this year –all auctioned off in aid of the Show. ‘This is one of the best events I come to’ said Mark Wylie ‘I love it – there’s always a warm welcome and the crowd is fantastic.

An Tobar and Mull Theatre had arranged for an extra item of interest in the shape of the ‘Story Wagon’ – a gipsy caravan housing many wonders of storytelling – visitors were encouraged to make up their own stories, ask for a story to be created around a word, or invent new words for the dictionary – all in the capable hands of Luke Winter with his helper Giulia Merendelli… more in the printed issue

Photo:Champion of Champions, pedigree Beef Shorthorn heifer ‘Rosalie’ shown by Kerrie MacGillivray of Pennygown Farm
