Fangan: Fanks in Gaelic. Also known as sheepfolds; sheep pens; stells; stalls; turf stells; buchts; stell enclosures.
Last winter I undertook a photographic project to make a record of stone fanks on Mull, Iona and Ulva using a drone.
The seed of this project germinated when our neighbour told us he was retiring. I knew the beautiful stone fank on his farm was one of very few still in use. Would it still be used after his retirement? He kindly agreed to let me fly the drone over the fank and take photographs when he next had sheep in. As a farmer I was possibly looking at the end of a traditional way of doing things, towards a time when a stone fank in use might become a thing of the past… more in the printed issue
Photo: The Fank at Gualachaolish, © Carolyne Mazur