Fèis Mhuile 2023

So good to be back after a 2 year covid induced break!
We couldn’t have held the Fèis this year without the very generous sponsorship from local companies – Inverlussa, Scottish Sea Farms and Bakkafrost.
These innovative businesses not only provide important employment opportunities on the island, but they are also incredibly generous when it comes to supporting local community events. Mòran taing!
This year’s Fèis weekend was held in Bunessan from 3rd – 5th February.
The event caters for all ages with Fèis Bheag for 3 to 7 year olds, children from P3 upwards being offered two choices of music lessons over the weekend and there was also an adults singing and drumming class… more in the printed issue

Photo: The fiddle class performing at this year’s Fèis concert
