Gymnastics in Mull & Morvern

When word got out about new gymnastics instructors who recently moved to the beautiful Island of Mull, I knew I had to touch base with them. Lochaline, just a short ferry trip from Fishnish, is a thriving village but lacks on-site extra curricular activities for the children. Gymnastics has been sought after for many years over all of the communities on both the Morvern and Ardnamurchan peninsulas, but unfortunately instructors have never been in a position to be able to travel to make the wish come true and bring gymnastic lessons to our communities.
In October last year, having spoken directly with Cara and Caitlin Jamieson, founders of Isle of Mull gymnastics club, it was looking like Lochaline gymnastics was about to take off… more in the printed issue

Photo courtesy of Cara & Caitlin Jamieson
