Looking forward to Winterwatch

Winter can be a challenging season to film wildlife. The days are short, the weather can be bad and some wildlife is generally less active. But it’s a challenge the BBC team behind ‘The Watches’ relishes and can’t wait to get started. Actually, it all started a long time ago…
BBC Winterwatch returns to Mull for two weeks of live programmes starting Tuesday 18 January. Presenter Iolo Williams will be on the island telling some of Mull’s amazing wildlife stories and showcasing the stunning landscapes in all their wintry glory. Come rain or shine, snow, sleet, frost or hail, live cameras will be beaming live images from Mull into the UK’s homes. During Autumnwatch, the torrential rain and wind caused serious problems for the equipment so the team will be hoping there are no major storms forecast during the two week run… more in the printed issue

Photo shows Winterwatch cameraman Jim Manthorpe building a hide – Photo by Dave Sexton
