Mull Campus: Site Decision Postponed

With plans to build a new school campus on Mull progressing, the Council will meet in February 2025 to consider options and make a final decision on a preferred site. The cost of building the campus is Argyll and Bute Council’s single biggest investment estimated at £43 million.
Following a ‘call for sites’ appeal, a list has been narrowed down to those that are potentially viable, which include sites in Tobermory and central locations on Mull.
Following a unanimous view from the community of Iona, the Council is honouring their wishes to remove them from the scope of the process, and to continue current arrangements which includes families accessing Oban High School.
A detailed technical assessment of the shortlisted sites is underway by Council officers and experts to look at technical suitability. The assessments take into account a number of factors such as cost, risk, transport impact and feedback from the community engagement exercise. Assessment is ongoing and the shortlist will be available to the public in February 2025… more in the printed issue

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