New Ferry: Requirements

Mull & Iona Ferry Committee has now delivered the completed Specification of User Requirements (SUR) to the Government department that manages the ferry system, Transport Scotland.
The SUR details the key principles that the design of our new ferry needs to follow in order to satisfy the needs of island users. It has been endorsed by both Mull and Iona Community Councils, Mull & Iona Community Trust, South West Mull & Iona Development and the Craignure Bay Community Group.
It follows a mass public survey we undertook back in June across our islands, and circulation of the draft specification over the past couple of months. Thanks to everyone who responded and contributed to it.
There is a view on many islands who have been recipients of new vessels recently (or are due them soon), that what has been delivered is not what they wanted. The central criticism has been that whilst communities needed a larger number of smaller vessels, what was delivered is a small number of very large vessels.… more in the printed issue
