New MSP Supports Catamaran

We approached newly elected MSP for Argyll & Bute, Jenni Minto, for her views on the acquisition of the catamaran proposed by Mull & Iona Ferry Committee (MIFC).
We print below her response in full:
“I believe that local communities need to be listened to and the work that MIFC commissioned from Strathclyde University found that the catamaran would be a safe and efficient vessel with some modifications. I said in March ‘It is clear that the CalMac fleet needs more vessels, and this opportunity is one that shouldn’t be passed up. I know as an Islay resident that the shortage of vessels causes considerable difficulty for all island communities so I hope that the Minister will look very carefully at the positive report and try to move this ahead as quickly as possible’. My view has not changed – in fact the recent disruption across the service emphasises how fragile the current situation is and the need for new thinking... more in the printed issue

Pictured is a catamaran ferry of the type proposed for Mull & Iona.
